Am vazut doar de cateva saptamani Before Sunrise,nici nu stiu daca ar trebui sa ma incerce un sentiment de rusine(ca nu l-am vazut pana acum) sau unul de fericire,cert e ,ca mi-a placut.
De ce mi-a placut?
In primul rand felul cum cei doi se intalnesc in tren,si se abordeaza oarecum unul pe celalalt.
Pe de alta parte,discutia lor imi hraneste tot acel "cum ar fi daca as intalni si eu un tip ,intr-un tren ,sa imi petrec cu el o seara,fara al cunoaste, in Viena?"
Am auzit si vorbe :"Ce ti-a placut la filmul asta?,tot vorbesc astia intruna,nici o actiune,totul prea anost".Well,discutiile personajelor au avut o valoare intrinseca:)
Nu vreau sa povestesc filmul desi am obiceiul de a o face si nu stiu daca are vreun sens,e din 95 cu Ethan Hawke si Julie Delpy.
Mai jos am sa pun franturi din discutiile care m-au dezmortit putin:).I hope you'll enjoy it si astept pareri referitoare la film.Aa si o mica precizare-Before Sunset nu as fi vrut sa-l vad:)
I believe if there's any kind of God it wouldn't be in any of us, not you or me but just this little space in between. If there's any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something. I know, it's almost impossible to succeed but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt.
OK, well this was my thought: 50,000 years ago, there are not even a million people on the planet. 10,000 years ago, there's, like, two million people on the planet. Now there's between five and six billion people on the planet, right? Now, if we all have our own, like, individual, unique soul, right, where do they all come from? You know, are modern souls only a fraction of the original souls? 'Cause if they are, that represents a 5,000 to 1 split of each soul in the last 50,000 years, which is, like, a blip in the Earth's time. You know, so at best we're like these tiny fractions of people, you know, walking... I mean, is that why we're so scattered?
Think of it like this: jump ahead, ten, twenty years, okay, and you're married. Only your marriage doesn't have that same energy that it used to have, y'know. You start to blame your husband. You start to think about all those guys you've met in your life and what might have happened if you'd picked up with one of them, right? Well, I'm one of those guys. That's me y'know, so think of this as time travel, from then, to now, to find out what you're missing out on. See, what this really could be is a gigantic favor to both you and your future husband to find out that you're not missing out on anything. I'm just as big a loser as he is, totally unmotivated, totally boring, and, uh, you made the right choice, and you're really happy.
Well, I was driving around with this buddy of mine, he was a big atheist, and we came to a stop, next to this homeless guy. And my buddy takes out a 100 dollar bill, and leans out the window, and he says, "Do you believe in God?". And the guy looks at my friend, and he looks at the money, he says, uh, "Yes, I do". My friend says, "Wrong answer", and we drove away
You know what drives me crazy? It's all these people talking about how great technology is, and how it saves all this time. But, what good is saved time, if nobody uses it? If it just turns into more busy work. You never hear somebody say, "With the time I've saved by using my word processor, I'm gonna go to a Zen monastery and hang out". I mean, you never hear that.
When you talked earlier about after a few years how a couple would begin to hate each other by anticipating their reactions or getting tired of their mannerisms-I think it would be the opposite for me. I think I can really fall in love when I know everything about someone-the way he's going to part his hair, which shirt he's going to wear that day, knowing the exact story he'd tell in a given situation. I'm sure that's when I know I'm really in love.
6 comentarii:
Si mie mi-a placut foarte mult filmul :).
Sunt oameni care nu-l inteleg cred, de aceea se intreaba ce ne-a placut la el.
Welcome in the club:D
nu stiu daca l-ai vazut deja dar s-ar putea sa-ti placa si ma nuit chez maud - un film din '69 bazat pe discutii interesante, poate putin mai pretentioase si senzatia de ce-ar fi fost daca...
Mmmmm...suna bine.
Mersi fain:),cu siguranta am sa-l vad:)
Ana,mi-a placut f mult filmul.L-am vazut aseara.Chiar am fost surprinsa intr-un mod placut.Actorul a jucat si in un homme et une femme ,nu?:)
dap :) trintignant. ma bucur ca ti-a placut
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